
Forked version of Jami documentation, see wrycode.com/jami-docs-demo
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protocol.md (18036B)

      1 ### Persisting the account
      3 Persisting a Ring account private key and certificate is implementation
      4 defined.
      6 Access to a saved Ring account private key must be authenticated and
      7 authorized. Authentication and authorization method to access the
      8 account private key is implementation defined.
     10 ### Adding a device to a Ring account
     12 *See [RFC 5280](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5280)*
     14 A **device** is defined by an RSA key pair with a key length of at least
     15 4096 bits.
     17 A **device certificate** is defined as an x509 certificate whose subject
     18 is a device public key, signed with an account private key. The
     19 certificate MUST be valid. The issuer UID field MUST be the hexadecimal
     20 form of the account public key fingerprint.
     22 Persisting a device private key and certificate is implementation
     23 defined. Access to a saved device private key should be authenticated.
     24 Authentication method to access the device private key is implementation
     25 defined.
     27 ### Removing a device from a Ring account
     29 A device can be "removed" from a Ring account through revocation of the
     30 device certificate. Revoked device certificates are added to one or more
     31 standard x509 Certificate Revocation List (CRL). CRLs for revoked device
     32 must be valid and signed with the corresponding CA key, which is the
     33 Ring account private key.
     35 ### Account transmission format
     37 The **account archive format** defines how to serialize an account
     38 private key for transmission, for instance to sign a new device
     39 certificate.
     41 The account archive is an encrypted JSON object with the following
     42 structure:
     44 ```
     45 {
     46 	"ringAccountKey": (PEM-encoded account private key string),
     47 	"ringAccountCert": (PEM-encoded account certificate string),
     48 	"ringAccountCRL": (PEM-encoded account CRL string)
     49 }
     50 ```
     52 The JSON object can contain additional implementation-defined key-value
     53 pairs. Implementation-defined key names shouldn't start with "ring".
     55 The string JSON object is encrypted using a key defined as :
     57 ```
     58 salt = PIN + timestamp
     59 key = argon2(password, salt)
     60 ```
     62 Where PIN is a random 32bits number in hexadecimal form, "+" is string
     63 concatenation, timestamp is the current UNIX timestamp divided by 1200
     64 (20 minutes) and password is a user-chosen password.
     66 The PIN should be shown to the user to be copied manually on the new
     67 physical device along with the password.
     69 Contacting another account
     70 --------------------------
     72 ### ICE descriptor exchange over OpenDHT
     74 -   **Listening for incoming calls**
     76 A device listens for incoming call by performing a listen OpenDHT
     77 operation on
     79 `h("callto"+deviceID)`
     81 where h is SHA1, "+" is the string concatenation and deviceID is the
     82 hexadecimal form of the deviceID.
     84 Received OpenDHT values that are not encrypted or not properly signed
     85 must be dropped. The value must be encrypted with the called device
     86 public key and signed with the calling device private key according to
     87 OpenDHT specifications.
     89 -   **Sending the Initial Offer**
     91 *See [RFC 5245](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5245)*
     93 RFC 5245 defines ICE (Interactive Connectivity Establishment), a
     94 protocol for NAT traversal.
     96 ICE is used in Ring to establish a peer-to-peer communication between
     97 two devices.
     99 The calling device gathers candidates and build an Initial Offer
    100 according to the ICE specifications and starts the ICE negotiation
    101 process.
    103 The calling device puts the encrypted ICE offer (the Initial Offer) on
    104 the DHT at h("callto"+deviceID) where deviceID is the hexadecimal form
    105 of the called deviceID.
    107 -   **ICE serialization format**
    109 ICE messages exchanged between peers during a call setup use following
    110 format. An ICE message is a chunk of binary data, following
    111 [msgpack](http://msgpack.org/) data format.
    113 This protocol is a compound of msgpack values, successively packed in
    114 this order:
    117 +  an integer giving the version of ICE message format protocol used for the rest of the data. Current defined protocol version is **1**.
    118 +  a 2-elements array of strings of the ICE local session ufrag and the ICE local session password
    119 +  an integer giving the number of components in the ICE session
    120 +  an array of string, of the previous number entries, where each string describe the ICE candidate, formated as an "a=" line (without the "a=" header) described in [rfc5245, section 4.3](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5245#page-26)
    122 -   **Sending the Answer**
    124 Upon reception of the encrypted and signed Initial ICE Offer (through
    125 the listen operation), a called device should perform authorization
    126 checks of the calling device, identified as the Initial Offer signer.
    127 Authorization rules are implementation defined, but a typical
    128 implementation would authorize known or trusted contacts.
    130 If the calling device is not authorized or if for any implementation
    131 defined reason the called device refuses the incoming connection
    132 request, the called device must ignore the Initial Offer and may log the
    133 event.
    135 If the called device authorizes the caller and wish to accept the
    136 connection it must build an ICE answer, start the ICE negotiation
    137 process and send the encrypted and signed ICE answer at the same DHT
    138 key.
    140 ### DTLS negotiation
    142 Once a peer-to-peer communication channel has been established, the
    143 called device listens on it for incoming DTLS connections (acting as a
    144 DTLS server) while the caller initiates an outgoing DTLS connection
    145 (acting as a DTLS client).
    147 The DTLS communication must be RFC6347 compliant
    148 ([1](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6347)).
    150 Peers must only support PFS cypher suites. The set of supported cypher
    151 suites is implementation defined but should include at least
    152 ECDHE-AES-GCM (TODO: specify the exact suites recommended to support).
    154 During the DTLS handshake, both peers must provide their respective
    155 device certificate chain and must authenticate the other peer, checking
    156 that its public key is the same used during the DHT ICE exchange.
    158 ### SIP call
    160 Once an encrypted and authenticated peer-to-peer communication channel
    161 is available, the SIP protocol [2](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3261)
    162 must be used to place a call and send messages. The caller might send a
    163 SIP INVITE as soon as the DTLS channel is established.
    165 The SIP implementation must support ICE and SRTP.
    167 Supported codecs are implementation defined, but Ring clients should
    168 support the Opus audio coded and the H264 video codec.
    170 SRTP must be used when negotiating media with SIP, using a new random
    171 key for each media and each negotiation. ICE should be used when
    172 negotiating media with SIP.
    174 Cryptographic primitives
    175 ------------------------
    177 ### Password stretching
    179 *See [Argon2
    180 specifications](https://github.com/P-H-C/phc-winner-argon2/blob/master/argon2-specs.pdf)*
    182 Passwords are stretched using argon2i using t\_cost = 16, m\_cost =
    183 2\^16 (64 MiB), mono-threaded, to generate a 512 bits hash.
    185 The result is then hashed again using SHA{1, 256, 512} depending on the
    186 requested key size.
    188 ### Encryption
    190 ##### Using a provided key (128, 192 or 256 bits)
    192 Encryption uses standard AES-GCM as implemented by Nettle using a random
    193 IV for each encryption.
    195 ##### Using a text password
    197 The password is stretched to generate a 256 bits key and a random salt
    198 of 128 bits.
    200 The input data is encrypted using AES-GCM (see above) and the salt is
    201 appended at the beginning of the resulting cypher-text.
    203 ##### During a call
    205 Audio/video data are exchanged using encrypted RTP channels between
    206 peers.
    208 The protocol is a classic SRTP, with following supported crypto suites:
    210 -   Ring account force AES\_CM\_128\_HMAC\_SHA1\_80
    211 -   SIP can use AES\_CM\_128\_HMAC\_SHA1\_80 or
    212 	AES\_CM\_128\_HMAC\_SHA1\_32
    214 The master key and salt is a random number, different for each call. On
    215 call's master key is constant during the full live of a call.
    217 The keys are exchanged using SDES method: keys are written into the SIP
    218 SDP messages during the SIP INVITE negotiation. When SDES is used, Ring
    219 forces the underlaying transport to be secure (encrypted) to not
    220 disclose these keys. Ring supports DTLS natively for SIP and Ring
    221 accounts for such. The call cannot be done if this condition is not
    222 fulfilled.
    227 ### Outgoing and Incoming calls
    229 -   Contactable addresses (i.e. IP addresses) of the user are given to
    230 	peer only:
    231 	-   When we call a peer (outgoing call).
    232 	-   When a **trusted** peer is calling (incoming call).
    233 -   All combination forms of how a specific device can be contacted is
    234 	summarized by a ICE message:
    235 	-   *[RFC 5245](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5245)* defines ICE
    236 		(Interactive Connectivity Establishment), a protocol for
    237 		NAT traversal.
    238 	-   ICE is used in Jami to establish a peer-to-peer communication
    239 		between two devices.
    241 #### Making an outgoing call
    243 1.  The calling device gathers candidates and build an **Initial Offer**
    244 	according to the ICE specifications.
    245 2.  The calling device puts the encrypted ICE offer (the *Initial
    246 	Offer*) on the DHT at:
    247 	`h("`[`callto:"+DeviceID`](callto:%22+DeviceID)`)` where *h* is
    248 	SHA1, *+* is the string concatenation, *DeviceID* is in
    249 	hexadecimal form.
    250 3.  The calling device waits on the peer answer, with its own ICE
    251 	candidates lists.
    252 4.  At peer answer reception, the calling device starts the
    253 	ICE negotiation.
    254 5.  If the negotiation succeed, the process continues on a client-side
    255 	DTLS session establishment over the created ICE socket (see below).
    257 #### Listening for incoming calls
    259 1.  A device listens for incoming calls by performing a listen OpenDHT
    260 	operation on `h("`[`callto:"+DeviceID`](callto:%22+DeviceID)`)`
    261 	where *h* is SHA1, *+* is the string concatenation and *DeviceID* is
    262 	in hexadecimal form.
    263 2.  At ICE *Initial Offer* reception, the called device **must** do a
    264 	security validation of the peer (see below).
    265 3.  If the security validation succeed, the called device starts the
    266 	ICE negotiation.
    267 4.  If the negotiation succeed, the process continues on a server-side
    268 	DTLS session establishment over the created ICE socket (see below).
    270 -   *Note: OpenDHT drops values that are not properly encrypted or
    271 	signed, as specified by OpenDHT protocol.*
    273 #### ICE serialization format
    275 -   ICE messages exchanged between peers during a call set up use
    276 	following format.
    277 -   An ICE message is a chunk of binary data, following
    278 	[msgpack](http://msgpack.org/) data format.
    280 ```
    281 <8-bits unsigned integer> giving the version of ICE message format protocol used for the rest of the data,
    282 <C++ std::pair of string> of the ICE local session ufrag and the ICE local session password,
    283 <8-bits unsigned integer> giving the number of components in the ICE session,
    284 <array of string> of the previous number entries, where each string describe the ICE candidate, formated as an "a=" line (without the "a=" header) described in [rfc5245, section 4.3](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5245#page-26)
    285 ```
    287 -   **Current defined protocol is 1**:
    289 #### Security Validation of the Peer
    291 -   Upon reception of the encrypted and signed Initial ICE Offer
    292 	(through the listen operation), a called device should perform
    293 	authorization checks of the calling device, identified as the
    294 	Initial Offer signer.
    295 -   Authorization rules are implementation defined, but a typical
    296 	implementation would authorize known or trusted contacts.
    297 -   If the calling device is not authorized or if for any implementation
    298 	defined reason the called device refuses the incoming connection
    299 	request, the called device must ignore the Initial Offer and may log
    300 	the event.
    301 -   If the called device authorizes the caller and wish to accept the
    302 	connection it must build an ICE answer, start the ICE negotiation
    303 	process and send the encrypted and signed ICE answer at the same
    304 	DHT key.
    306 #### DTLS negotiation
    308 -   Once a peer-to-peer communication channel has been established by
    309 	ICE protocol, the called device starts a server-side DTLS session on
    310 	the ICE socket, while the caller starts a client-side DTLS session
    311 	on the other side of the ICE socket.
    312 -   The DTLS communication is
    313 	[RFC6347](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6347) compliant using
    314 	gnutls library.
    315 -   To prevent peer certificates to be displayed in plain-text for the
    316 	call anonymity, the session handshake is done twice:
    318 1.  A first handshake in **anonymous mode** to create a secure but
    319 	anonymous transport.
    320 2.  A second handshake in **certificate mode**, over the first one, to
    321 	prove the identity of peers.
    323 -   Only PFS cipher suites are supported:
    324 	-   The set of supported cipher suites is implementation defined but
    325 		should include at least ECDHE-AES-GCM.
    326 	-   The actual cipher suites (in gnutls form) is:
    327 		-   anonymous step:
    329 		-   certificate step:
    332 #### SIP signaling
    334 -   Used over the DTLS session to signaling the call (vcard, media
    335 	negotiation, hangup, instant messaging, ...)
    336 -   Once an encrypted and authenticated peer-to-peer communication
    337 	channel is available, the [SIP
    338 	protocol](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3261) must be used to place
    339 	a call and send messages.
    340 -   The caller might send a SIP INVITE as soon as the DTLS channel
    341 	is established.
    342 -   The SIP implementation must support ICE and SRTP.
    343 -   Supported codecs are implementation defined, but Jami clients should
    344 	support the Opus audio coded and the H264 video codec.
    345 -   SRTP must be used when negotiating media with SIP, using a new
    346 	random key for each media and each negotiation. ICE should be used
    347 	when negotiating media with SIP.
    350 ## extra
    353 To add a new contact, you send them a trust request over the DHT
    354 consisting of <check this> the account certificate. If they accept the
    355 request, they will send you their account certificate
    358 who do not know each other's IP address.
    362 So
    367 ## Usages
    369 -   The JamiId:
    370 	-   It's the DHT key where the list of account devices are published
    371 		and where all devices listen to synchronize on account
    372 		changes (i.e. adding or revoke a device).
    373 -   The Jami certificate RSA keys are used as long-term keys to
    374 	sign/encrypt/decrypt messages sent over the DHT:
    375 	-   private key to sign-off and decrypt incoming messages and
    376 		device certificates.
    377 	-   public key to encrypt messages (this is done by the message
    378 		issuer using the receiver public key).
    379 -   A device can be "removed" from a Jami account through revocation of
    380 	the device certificate:
    381 	-   Revoked device certificates are added to one or more standard
    382 		x509 Certificate Revocation List (CRL).
    383 	-   CRLs for revoked device must be valid and signed with the
    384 		corresponding CA key, which is the Jami account private key.
    386 ### Long-term Storage
    388 -   Why storing data?
    390 <!-- -->
    392 -   -   Jami needs to load certificates and key-pairs each time the
    393 		application is started.
    394 	-   When Jami creates a new device, these information are also
    395 		needed, shared from another trusted device in a secure way.
    396 	-   All platforms doesn't provide secure way to store data, Jami
    397 		supports this fact by encrypting data stored outside the
    398 		memory (i.e. on a file-system) using a user defined password
    399 		during the account creation.
    401 <!-- -->
    403 -   These files are stored on user device (see below for details):
    404 	-   a compressed and encrypted archive with private account data.
    405 	-   the public certificates chain as a CRT file
    406 	-   the device private key.
    408 #### Jami archive (export.gz)
    410 -   Contains private account data.
    411 -   Currently transmitted over the DHT network when device is created
    412 	or revoked.
    413 -   It's a JSON compressed and encrypted file.
    415 <!-- -->
    417 -   The current format is (could change at any time):
    419 ```
    420 {
    421   ringCaKey: <base64 serialized PEM-encoded CA private key>,
    422   ringAccountKey: <base64 serialized PEM-encoded Jami private key>
    423   ringAccountCert: <base64 serialized PEM-encoded Jami certificate (public key)>,
    424   ethKey: <base64 serialized of the optional 160-bits Etherium key used to register the JamiId on a public blockchain>,
    425   ringAccountCRL: <base64 serialized of packet list of revoked device certificates PEM-encoded>,
    426   ringAccountContacts: <JSON dictionary to export trusted user contacts>
    427 }
    428 ```
    430 -   The JSON byte-stream is compressed using \*gzip\* algorithm.
    432 <!-- -->
    434 -   Then the gzip-stream is encrypted using AES-GCM-256 symmetric cipher
    435 	with a 256-bits key.
    436 	-   This key is derived from the user provided password, a PIN and a
    437 		timestamp, using
    438 		[Argon2](https://github.com/P-H-C/phc-winner-argon2) (a password
    439 		stretching and normalizer) as follow:
    441 ```
    442 salt = PIN + timestamp
    443 key = argon2(password, salt)
    444   argon2 is the argon2i algorithm using t_cost = 16, m_cost = 2^16 (64 MiB), mono-threaded, to generate a 512-bits key and then hashed with SHA-256 to generate a 256-bits key.
    445   PIN is a random 32bits number in hexadecimal form.
    446   + is string concatenation operator.
    447   timestamp is the current UNIX timestamp divided by 1200 (20 minutes).
    448   password is a user-chosen password (given at account creation).
    449 ```
    451 -   The PIN should be shown to the user to be copied manually on the new
    452 	physical device along with the password to finish the device
    453 	creation process.
    454 -   NOTE: when exporting a file on the DHT or anywhere else, the daemon update the archive first, to write latest contacts. This is the reason why the password is needed when exporting (it's not just a copy of the archive somewhere else)
    456 #### Jami device certificate chain (ring\_device.crt)
    458 -   PEM format
    459 -   Includes the Device certificate and parent certificates (Jami device
    460 	certificate and parents)
    462 #### Device private key (ring\_device.key)
    464 -   PEM format
    465 -   not encrypted, we let the device file-system protect this file
    467 #### Exporting data (creating new devices)
    469 *TBD*
    472 ### Contact Request
    474 *TBD*
    476 ### Instant Message
    478 *TBD*
    480 ### Presence
    482 *TBD*
    485 ### Security / Privacy
    487 Jami provides perfect forward secrecy for calls and in call text
    488 messages with different Eliptic Curve Diffie-Hellman key negociation at
    489 every call. For out of call messaging single RSA-4096 is used. The
    490 cryptography library used is GNUTLS