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manage-contacts.md (7067B)

      1 # Managing Contacts
      3 This section will present how to find and add a contact from the DHT to the client. The usage of a name server will not be explained here. If you want details about that, please read: https://git.ring.cx/savoirfairelinux/ring-project/wikis/technical/Name-Server-Protocol
      5 ## Presence on the network
      7 ### Announce the presence on the DHT
      9 The presence is pretty simple to announce on the DHT. In fact, it's
     10 just a value containing the device hash (see [previous
     11 section](https://git.ring.cx/savoirfairelinux/ring-project/wikis/technical/2.1.-Manage-Accounts))
     12 on the hash corresponding to the Ring ID. So, if we have the account
     13 `bf5f1e21d3eb2c1246946aa49d5dcf3e5b9cb1b9` with the device
     14 `62fbdff0ce86f368c7d3c2682539e5ba9e06404f`, the following defined
     15 value will be sent over the DHT:
     17 ```cpp
     18 /**
     19  * Device announcement stored on DHT.
     20  */
     21 struct RingAccount::DeviceAnnouncement : public dht::SignedValue<DeviceAnnouncement>
     22 {
     23 private:
     24 	using BaseClass = dht::SignedValue<DeviceAnnouncement>;
     25 public:
     26 	static const constexpr dht::ValueType& TYPE = dht::ValueType::USER_DATA;
     27 	dht::InfoHash dev;
     28 	MSGPACK_DEFINE_MAP(dev);
     29 };
     30 ```
     32 (This value can be put with `dht_.put(h, VALUE, dht::DoneCallback{}, {}, true);`, as a permanent put). If the device is announced, the device is present. For now, there is no way to delete or edit a value on the DHT (this will come when OpenDHT will supports ECC). So, the presence always have a delay for now (mean delay: expire-time/2, so 2min30 for now).
     34 ### Get if a contact is present
     36 Now our presence on the network, it's time to get if somebody is present on the DHT. With the previous section, it's easy to do the reverse process. To know if somebody is present on the DHT (ex: `bf5f1e21d3eb2c1246946aa49d5dcf3e5b9cb1b9`), we have to get value at `bf5f1e21d3eb2c1246946aa49d5dcf3e5b9cb1b9` and retrieve the `DeviceAnnouncement` on this hash. The related code in the ring daemon is in `ringaccount.cpp`:
     38 ```cpp
     39 auto shared = std::static_pointer_cast<RingAccount>(shared_from_this());
     40 auto treatedDevices = std::make_shared<std::set<dht::InfoHash>>();
     41 dht_.get<dht::crypto::RevocationList>(to, [to](dht::crypto::RevocationList&& crl){
     42 	tls::CertificateStore::instance().pinRevocationList(to.toString(), std::move(crl));
     43 	return true;
     44 });
     45 dht_.get<DeviceAnnouncement>(to, [shared,to,treatedDevices,op](DeviceAnnouncement&& dev) {
     46 	if (dev.from != to)
     47 		return true;
     48 	if (treatedDevices->emplace(dev.dev).second)
     49 		op(shared, dev.dev);
     50 	return true;
     51 }, [=](bool /*ok*/){
     52 	{
     53 		std::lock_guard<std::recursive_mutex> lock(shared->buddyInfoMtx);
     54 		auto buddy_info_it = shared->trackedBuddies_.find(to);
     55 		if (buddy_info_it != shared->trackedBuddies_.end()) {
     56 			if (not treatedDevices->empty()) {
     57 				for (auto& device_id : *treatedDevices)
     58 					shared->onTrackedBuddyOnline(buddy_info_it, device_id);
     59 			} else
     60 				shared->onTrackedBuddyOffline(buddy_info_it);
     61 		}
     62 	}
     63 	RING_DBG("[Account %s] found %lu devices for %s",
     64 				getAccountID().c_str(), treatedDevices->size(), to.to_c_str());
     65 	if (end) end(shared, not treatedDevices->empty());
     66 });
     67 ```
     69 And that's all.
     71 ### Pending request
     73 ### Send a request
     75 **TODO craft request**
     77 Finally, once the trust request is crafted, we can push the request to the following hash: `InfoHash("inbox:" + deviceId)`
     79 The following code is used in the daemon:
     80 ```cpp
     81 dht_.putEncrypted(dht::InfoHash::get("inbox:"+dev.toString()), dev, dht::TrustRequest(DHT_TYPE_NS, payload));
     82 ```
     84 ### Receiving a request
     86 **TODO**
     88 (Accept/Block/Discard)
     90 ### Daemon API
     92 All methods to follow the presence of a buddy is located in the `PresenceManager` such as:
     94 ```xml
     95 <signal name="newBuddyNotification" tp:name-for-bindings="newBuddyNotification">
     96 	<tp:added version="1.3.0"/>
     97 	<tp:docstring>
     98 		Notify when a registered presence uri presence informations changes
     99 	</tp:docstring>
    100 	<arg type="s" name="accountID">
    101 		<tp:docstring>
    102 			The associated account
    103 		</tp:docstring>
    104 	</arg>
    105 	<arg type="s" name="buddyUri">
    106 		<tp:docstring>
    107 			The registered URI
    108 		</tp:docstring>
    109 	</arg>
    110 	<arg type="b" name="status">
    111 		<tp:docstring>
    112 			Is the URI present or not
    113 		</tp:docstring>
    114 	</arg>
    115 	<arg type="s" name="lineStatus">
    116 		<tp:docstring>
    117 			A string containing informations from the user (human readable)
    118 		</tp:docstring>
    119 	</arg>
    120 </signal>
    121 ```
    123 All methods and signals used to manage trust requests and contacts are in the `ConfigurationManager` such as:
    125 ```xml
    126 <method name="getTrustRequests" tp:name-for-bindings="getTrustRequests">
    127 	<tp:added version="2.2.0"/>
    128 	<arg type="s" name="accountID" direction="in">
    129 	</arg>
    130 	<annotation name="org.qtproject.QtDBus.QtTypeName.Out0" value="VectorMapStringString"/>
    131 	<arg type="aa{ss}" name="requests" direction="out" >
    132 		<tp:docstring>
    133 			A list of contact request details. Details:
    134 			- from: account ID of sender
    135 			- received: UNIX timestamp of reception date
    136 			- payload: attached payload
    137 		</tp:docstring>
    138 	</arg>
    139 </method>
    141 <method name="acceptTrustRequest" tp:name-for-bindings="acceptTrustRequest">
    142 	<tp:added version="2.2.0"/>
    143 	<arg type="s" name="accountID" direction="in">
    144 	</arg>
    145 	<arg type="s" name="from" direction="in">
    146 	</arg>
    147 	<arg type="b" name="success" direction="out" tp:type="Boolean">
    148 		<tp:docstring>
    149 			True if the operation succeeded.
    150 		</tp:docstring>
    151 	</arg>
    152 </method>
    154 <method name="discardTrustRequest" tp:name-for-bindings="discardTrustRequest">
    155 	<tp:added version="2.2.0"/>
    156 	<arg type="s" name="accountID" direction="in">
    157 	</arg>
    158 	<arg type="s" name="from" direction="in">
    159 	</arg>
    160 	<arg type="b" name="success" direction="out" tp:type="Boolean">
    161 		<tp:docstring>
    162 			True if the operation succeeded.
    163 		</tp:docstring>
    164 	</arg>
    165 </method>
    167 <signal name="incomingTrustRequest" tp:name-for-bindings="incomingTrustRequest">
    168 	<tp:added version="2.2.0"/>
    169 	<tp:docstring>
    170 		Notify clients that a new contact request has been received.
    171 	</tp:docstring>
    172 	<arg type="s" name="accountID">
    173 	</arg>
    174 	<arg type="s" name="from">
    175 	</arg>
    176 	<arg type="ay" name="payload">
    177 	</arg>
    178 	<arg type="t" name="receiveTime">
    179 	</arg>
    180 </signal>
    182 <method name="sendTrustRequest" tp:name-for-bindings="sendTrustRequest">
    183 	<tp:added version="2.2.0"/>
    184 	<arg type="s" name="accountID" direction="in">
    185 	</arg>
    186 	<arg type="s" name="to" direction="in">
    187 	</arg>
    188 	<arg type="ay" name="payload" direction="in">
    189 	</arg>
    190 </method>
    192 <method name="addContact" tp:name-for-bindings="addContact">
    193 	<tp:added version="3.0.0"/>
    194 	<arg type="s" name="accountID" direction="in">
    195 	</arg>
    196 	<arg type="s" name="uri" direction="in">
    197 	</arg>
    198 </method>
    200 <method name="removeContact" tp:name-for-bindings="removeContact">
    201 	<tp:added version="3.0.0"/>
    202 	<arg type="s" name="accountID" direction="in">
    203 	</arg>
    204 	<arg type="s" name="uri" direction="in">
    205 	</arg>
    206 	<arg type="b" name="ban" direction="in" tp:type="Boolean">
    207 		<tp:docstring>
    208 			True if the the contact should be banned.
    209 			If false, the contact is removed from the contact list (banned or not).
    210 		</tp:docstring>
    211 	</arg>
    212 </method>
    213 ```
    215 If you want some examples, these methods are used into `contactmodel.cpp` in LRC.